What is Ioncube loaderIoncube provides security by using encryption / Decryption for PHP applications and IonCube Loader is a PHP extension that works to decode PHP scripts previously encoded by the ionCube PHP Encoder package.
It also helps speed up the PHP application execution and restrict unauthorized execution.
To install IonaCube Loaders :
Step 1 : Download IonCube Loaders:
For 32bit Systems:
# wget http://downloads3.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz
For 64bit Systems:
# wget http://downloads3.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz
Step 2 : After the download is complete, extract the file and move it to a folder of your choosing.
# tar xzf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz
# mv ioncube /usr/local/
Step 3 : Enable IonCube in PHP, by editing the php.ini file.
To find your php.ini file you can use the following command :
To find your php.ini file you can use the following command :
# php -i | grep php.ini
This will display the path of the php.ini file. Open this file and add to the end of the file the following line :
zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.4.so
Please note, that you will need to replace “/usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.4.so” with the file that matches your PHP version.
Step 4 : Now installation is completed. To check if the installation was successful or not, you can run the ‘phpinfo’ function in a php file, like this :
Run this file in from the browser and search the output for “ioncube php loader”. If you find it then it means your installation was successful.